The McClain Group studies the latest demographic and industry trends.  Americans are both living longer and working into their later years.  As a result, we are seeing unprecedented generational diversity among employee populations.  Employees have different needs, and insurance carriers have responded with extensive customization of benefit options.  New technology is the solution for delivering the optimal benefit package to suit the employees’ needs.

At The McClain Group, we offer the widest range of benefit enrollment and communication systems, including:

  • Onsite Face-to-Face: We provide a counselor to meet with each employee during a set open enrollment period to provide a personal consultation and to ensure accuracy.
  • Call Center: We can use this method to supplement our face-to-face service, or we can offer phone-based enrollment for the same quality one-on-one experience.
  • Combination Web & Call Center: We provide the opportunity for employees to “co-browse” the benefit site from their personal or work computer while speaking with our counselor.
  • Entirely Web-Based: This option is available after the first year of enrollment or for larger employers for whom face-to-face meetings or call center enrollment are not viable.
  • Beginning with the pre-enrollment planning, we work with the employer to develop an enrollment strategy to best suit the company’s needs.  
  • We provide all communication materials for supervisors and employees.  
  • For the enrollment process, we can offer any combination of group and/or individual meetings that minimize disruption while maximizing employee understanding of the available options.  Optimal enrollment conditions are critical.  
  • Our counselors are paid on a per diem basis with no incentive compensation – so there is no pressure to “sell” products that may not fit the employees’ needs.  The counselors’ rate is based on their enrollment experience and other skills, such as a second language.  This rate is comparable or higher than the nation’s largest enrollment companies. 
“The McClain Group began providing services to HVHS in the fall of 2007 for the roll out of a new benefit enrollment system as well as facilitation of enrolling our employees in newly offered voluntary benefits.  We found Melissa McClain and her team to be extremely instrumental in making the system transition occur to meet necessary deadlines.  They readily served as a conduit with the vendor and immediately resolved any questions or issues we encountered.  They also made a point of understanding our operations which brought a sense of comfort and ease to my mind.  It was then I knew they were making our business a priority to meet our fast paced environment.  They truly felt like an extension of the HR team.”

–Laurie K. Clemens; System Director, Human Resources; Heritage Valley Health Systems

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